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What I thought of as before has 


and simplified again. 

From a concert hall to a single dancer on center stage, in the spotlight, and then there is only me 

and the spotlight


and both are me.


This waltz, dance of push and pull, madness dripping from my lips, my brow.


I bow


I writhe with the fury of hell and the blossoming of a flower in the spring. 


I am both.


The nasty wild animal, tearing with my teeth through flesh and fear.

 I am the first peak of a fresh green leaf through the soft soil as the sunlight glimmers on the dew. 


I am the rage of destruction, violence, chaos, wrath, and war. 

I am breath, beauty, hope, purity, joy, and prosperity. 

I am in the dumpster juice running through the streets and the pigs crowded in cages, rank in the stench of suffering on their way to slaughter. 


I am in the anthills, and the starfish, the dandelions and the egrets. 

The lice on the head of starving children, the fly trapped in a spiders web, 

the speck floating in the ocean, surrounded by nothing really at all.




in all of this 

I am

yet ever so 



For there

Is a watchful eye. 

Who watches me, who watches all? 

Says I? 

Seer of all things, surely, that could be seen, by a seer such as me. 


And what might they see? Looking across a mirrored way? From darkness, from shadow, from all the unknown?


Who goes there? 


I can not get away. 


Every step I take it mimics me, until I can’t quite tell who’s who


Hello my dearest shadow, 

they told me you might come. 


What a delight to have a friend such as you to accompany me through the rest of my life.


 A partner, a companion, is that not what I lost? 


What I have sought to gain? 

Have I not lamented time and time again, alone in my head? 


Alone, in my head.


What have you got to contribute? 

What’s the goal? 

What’s the agenda? 


Quiet slime creeps in and cools the tips of my bones and makes my eyes heavy in my head.

 A slow and melodic lulling which I have never known pulls me down and down, like a wet, wool coat. 


My friend, why do you hurt me?

What have I done to deserve this discomfort? 


Mimicking again,


 I see.


 Is it him or me? 


Why again, I wonder, would you do this to me? 

Stop, you are hurting me.


 I am hurting myself.


 I pull the curtains back and draw the blinds. 


Is that really you? 


Has this been true the whole time? 


Some sort of switcheroo. 


I can breathe again, but I’m sad to see, 

the light has scared away my only companion in the night. 


So I amuse myself for a while, until he comes to haunt me again.

 And again we shall play the game and dance the dance. 

As a sweet molasses draws me in, kissing my hand. 


I love myself I think, I feel loved.

 I know myself I think, I feel known. 

I trust myself I think, I feel trusted. 


You’ve never been more beautiful than you have already been before.

 You have never been more greedy than the greed you stole from yourself. 


The crayon drawings on the walls under my bed in the trailer and the textbooks full of charts and citations racing through my mind. 

Every form of outward expression, every mark with a pen.


An emphasis, a meaning, a purpose. A decision, a choice, a reason. 

A moment. 

Potential to kinetic. 




How sweet it is to be loved by who?


Why am I always looking for what I can’t 



Just wanna eat something tasty 

Find something that makes me want to try a little harder 

To find a purpose 

Or something to do with myself really 

While I do everything else 

As time passes me by 

And sometimes I cry 


And that’s okay it’s all the same 



Temporary fixes, boxes of cake mixes, shopping carts 

Photo journals 

Staring at an empty hall, a blank canvas, a barren wall

White, pure but sickly sweet

Rot your teeth 

Meek and mingled 

Feel it tingle 

Send the tweet 


Brushing my hair, staring in the mirror, drink a glass of water, repeat. 

Hair gets longer, I got taller. Smile no brighter. In fact, maybe less bright. Teeth only get yellower don’t they? Unless you bleach them? 


I think bleach is unfair. It’s kinda scary how bad it smells. Reaks, you gotta dilute it. 

Don’t get that shit in your eye. But it will get the sweat stains out of your favorite t-shirt so you can pretend like you aren’t totally freaking out 


Having control over myself, dyeing my hair, my clothes, my makeup, my choice. 

I do my laundry, I make my bed, I clean my house. I hang with friends, I feed my snake. 


Intertwined am I with who I was

 and will be,

 who am I now?

Know now how who I was/is/will might make me more: me 



The cow jumped over the moon woohoo 

Did you get a chance to see it or have you been staring at your feet all day? 

Ride the tide inside 

Hold tight 

Let go 

Mississippi mudslide - eat some nutritious food today - don’t decay - you may delay, but don’t partake in the flaying of your own flesh for your complexes’ sake 



Circles and circles
Lines and lines 
Dot your I’s and blot your eyes
Every moment feels like I can’t last much longer, and then I do it again. And it gets more complicated and involving.
I want to evolve it. How does this mechanism work? 
Many moving parts, mini shopping marts, empty parking lots, and dust 
and dust
and dust 
What’s the difference? Where is the line? 
and lines 
and lines
Or lines in a song or in a book or a poem 
Or a painting 
Or a building 
Circles and lines, lines and circles 
What else? 
What beauty 
The rainbow 
A spectrum 
God’s promise



I know I’m being mislead 

a fly caught in a spider’s web.

 I’m cursed

This isn’t my first


I’m overthinking 

My faith is shrinking

You keep winking 

I keep flinching 


Dazzling charm,

Does me such harm 


It’s not real 

I’d be ignorant to feel 

You’re just here for the physical 

But you’re still the one I call when I’m getting metaphysical  


You act like I’m wrong, but you reach for my thong, and you sing your song 

about how I’m so strong 

I play along 

I know that you’re wrong

You think I know nothing, act like I’m crushing, you got me blushing, but I know that you’re bluffing when you talk about trusting, because you’re rushing, you’re all about touching, but not here for cuffing, my soul your crushing, but I’m still fronting like all your gushing and fussing still got my heart pumping but all you care about is humping and fucking and cuming

It’s disgusting


A wolf in sheep’s clothing, and the girl who cried wolf, 

The hunter and the prey, but dear god I pray 

This is only an illusion, an infinite delusion, I always feel like I’m losing 


I can’t decipher what’s genuine anymore 

It feels like I’ve been led down this path before

Cruising down a road that ends in disaster 

I feel like I’m not my own master 


Like I know what’s gonna happen and its gonna happen again 

So sure in fact that I would write it in pen 

Will anyone really love me?

For all that I can be? 

How can I tell? 

God this is hell


Well-founded trust issues 

Reaching for tissues 

You keep telling me “it’s you” 

 But what me do you see 

When you don’t hold me while you sleep 

You praise my soul

Like the others before 

But everyone lies 

Especially guys 

I make it too easy


You say 


I want you


Baby I need you 


Well of course you want me 

But you see

You want me on my back, on my knees, 

You smile big and say please

Put me in your mouth 

But this body of mine is only a house

And you don’t need me, you could do this yourself


I feel sorry for him, he’s missing out 

The best part of me is not between my legs

Yet he still begs 

Too blind to see the reality 

As he breaks me, takes me, he’s getting all he wants

But someday, one day 

That’s all he’ll have left 

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